(ICCV 2021)

TEACHTEXT: CrossModal Generalized Distillation for Text-Video Retrieval

Ioana Croitoru* and Simion-Vlad Bogolin* and Marius Leordeanu and Hailin Jin and Andrew Zisserman and Samuel Albanie and Yang Liu, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Visionp (ICCV), 2021
Won the Condensed Movies Challenge at ICCV 2021
paper, project page, code

    author = "Croitoru, Ioana and Bogolin, Simion-Vlad and Leordeanu, Marius and Jin, Hailin and Zisserman, Andrew and Albanie, Samuel and Liu, Yang",
    title = "TEACHTEXT: CrossModal Generalized Distillation for Text-Video Retrieval",
    year = "2021",
    month = "October",
    journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Visionp (ICCV)",
    volume = "abs/2104.08271"